
Angeldeejay (Venice Area, Northern Italy), grew up listening to the disco hits spread by the Italian radios during the late 70´s and throughout the 80´s. After an experience as music selector in a local radio (RADIO BASE 101) at the beginning of the 90´s , he started djing exclusively with turntables thank to an important dj @ underground disco BOOMERANG CLUB in Padua at the end of the 80´s learning to beatmixing the hard-to-beatmix vinyls of the period 1979- 1984 of a North Italian underground music direction called "Afro Music" which was not only african music, but a miscellaneous of afroamerican funk, jazz, rare grooves, disco-funk, electronic, reggae, dub, and rock, from which, by using drum breaks, equalizing effects, lowering and increasing of the speed of the records, a kind of "tribal" sound came out in some way… (for further reference, see Wikipedia webseite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afro/Cosmic_music)
Collecting hundreds of tapes and of records of discotheques related to this scene, he developed a unique sound experience, focussing on the sound of the most famous alternative Italian club of the 70´s: the BAIA DEGLI ANGELI (1975-1980), with its unique mixing of Philadelphia soulful sound proposed by the two American resident Djs TOM SISON & BOB DAY first, and in a second phase with the electro-afro-funky-jazz sound provided by DJS MOZART, BALDELLI, and RUBENS.
In summer 1995, starting joining some parties in a Padua´s discobar, AQUITANIA, moved soon to EUGANEUS DISCOBAR and , after a pleasant long stay in Paris, he took confidence with the new current rising in little clubs in those years: the so called lounge music. Loving it at-first-listening, Angeldeejay started proposing this music direction in clubs and discobars into Venice area, mixing it with related sounds, such as jazz-house, funky-house and tribal-house. Then it was an escalation: ROTATION CLUB, CRAZY COCKTAILS CLUB, ST.JOHN´S PUB, DOLCE VITA CLUB, NACHT CAFÈ, EYES CLUB, VOODOO CHILD PUB, ´After Hour´ parties @ BUBBLE GUM CLUB in Venice, CAFÉ ROMA, LEROI DISCOTHEQUE, DORIAN GRAY disco (having the honour of spinning records together with the legendary Italian DJS LODA & RUBENS), MAMA'S CLUB and BARRACUDA DISCOTHEQUE on the Adriatic Coast, MOTIVI CAFÉ and the nearby SUGARREEF CLUB in Treviso, just to name some (see page REFERENCES)
Meanwhile he shares the decks with important DJS like ALBERTO MARTIN, CISO (PALLADIUM DISCO) and GURU DJ (with whom he cooperated @ BUNKER STUDIO project, supporting the creation of lounge & deep tunes destined to the compilations of BILLIONAIRE, Sardinia, one of the most exclusive italian and european club at that time), djing also with him live every Sunday evening @ one of the first italian pioneer internet radio, RADIO DANGEROUS, founded by the husband of the lead singer of the 90´s famous house band BLACK BOX.
After moving to Germany, in 2006 he started playing for top locations of Düsseldorf such as RIVER CAFÉ, 3001 club, INDIANA NIGHTLOUNGE (the german affiliated of the Formentera´s main location), spinning together with the legendary Dj ZAMBO, alternating Dj sets at the nearby LLUSTWANDELL CLUB, and joining the staff of the magnificent “FUNKY FRIDAY” nights @ LES HALLES DISCO, directly from the founder, Dj-legend BRUCE ROBERTSON and, consequently, being contacted to become resident DJ for APARTMENT CLUB in Mönchengladbach for a similar party serie (FUNKY SATURDAYS – 40 years of funk), turntabling together with Dj MARTIN, from the legendary UNIQUE CLUB of Düsseldorf and becaming part of the nightlife of Düsseldorf, playing also in several other locations for fashion shows, fair events, weddings, b-day parties, company parties for important brands such as TOMMY HILFIGER (performing together with the famous german singer UDO LINDENBERG), LOUIS VUITTON, CONVERSE, just to name some (further infos at the page REFERENCES)
Previous to these musical adventures, already in 2008 he was contacted by the CANOO LOUNGECLUB, a boat adapted to restaurant and lounge club docked at the Rhine side, gifted with one of the best view of the Düsseldorf skyline, being resident Dj for 14 years until today, playing balearic sounds in dreaming lounging Sunday afternoons in spring and summer until the beginning of autumn ("SOUND-DAY BRUNCH" & "SUNDOWNER" projects).
Cooperating with several international artists, chief among whom KEITH BENSON from PHILADELPHIA INTERNATIONA RECORDS, he has just realised the first 12" vinyl compilation dedicated to the CANOO CLUB, the VOL.1, just representing the quintessence of the sound of the club (see on page SOUND)
At present he is still producing other digital hot tunes.
The show must go on…& goes on...